Vendors Agreement for Fisherman Flea Market and Shows 2025
Set up: you Must be there no later than 1/2 hour prior to opening of day of event. Or you will forfeit you spots with no Refunds
Parking: After you are done unloading your vehicles please park away from entrance
I also agree not to bring my Vehicles to the venue entrances at the end of the Flea Market until You are ready to load your vehicle.
Cancellation: if you decide to cancel, your notification must be received to Webs by Joe LLC no later then 48 hours prior to event for full refund. no exception!
Pay Cash at event
updated 1/29/2025
“All payment you listed on your form is marked Cash at Show will be collected prior to set up the day of event.”
any vendors that do not attend the event that you reserved are subjuct to be invoice by Webs by Joe LLC for the spots ordered for the full amount.
I agree to have Webs by Joe LLC send you an invoice by text at the phone number listed on form.
spots are subject to move to other location (for layout purpose only) “with out notice “
by filing out the contract form you are agreeing to this.
** no parking at loading doors during event, vehicles will be towed away**